sexta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2019

Professora Elisama do Campus Macau do IFRN apresentou uma comunicação oral no III EPF

A professora sosseguense Elisama Ealdene Marques Limado, do camp Macau do IFRN apresentou uma comunicação oral no III Encontro Potiguar de Física, sobre Brana, no IFRN de João Câmara-RN, no último dia 11 de outubro,. A professora Dra. Elisama de Sossego-PB e demais professoras e professores participantes do evento estão de Parabéns. Título do trabalho:  A hybrid behavior on a Bloch brane.

Link do III EPF.

A professora Dra. Elisama foi estudante do curso de Licenciatura em Física da UFCG, campus Cuité, mestrado em Física na UFCG, campus sede e concluiu no ano passado o seu curso de doutorado  no departamento de Física da UFPB, sob a orientação do professor Dr. Laércio Losano.

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Veja o resumo de seu trabalho, tendo os coautores Dionísio Bazeia e Laércio Losano.
Encontro Potiguar de Física 2019 / ID: 21-1 1.
A hybrid behavior on a Bloch brane
Elisama E. M. Lima
IFRN - RN - Macau-Brasil
D. Bazeia, L. Losano
UFPB - PB - Brasil
This work reports on models described by two real scalar fields coupled with gravity in the five-dimensional
spacetime, with a warped geometry involving one infinite extra dimension. Thick branes can have internal
structure and be generated by two-kink solutions, possessing the advantage of bringing room for the presence of
nontrivial structures inside the brane. It provides a richer treatment for the system under consideration, since
it allows the manifestation of branes hosting internal structure. Furthermore, there is another context of brane
world characterized by a hybrid behavior, which occurs when the scalar source supports localized structure
with compactlike profile. In such scenario, it is manifested a thin brane behavior when the extra dimension
is outside a compact domain, while a thick brane is revealed inside the compact region. In particular, it is
possible to propose a route that smoothly goes from kinks to compactons, leading to a braneworld formulation
generated by compact-like defects; which one reveals a hybrid brane configuration. Through a mechanism that
smoothly changes a thick brane into a hybrid brane, one investigates the appearance of hybrid branes hosting
internal structure, characterized by the splitting on the energy density and the volcano potential, induced by a
parameter which one controls interactions between the two scalar fields. In particular, we investigate distinct
symmetric and asymmetric hybrid brane scenarios.
Blog rafaelrag

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