sábado, 30 de setembro de 2023

Principais notícias de alguns jornais brasileiros, neste sábado, 30. Professor Rafael Rodrigues, Olival Freire e Sergey Nedelko

Professor Rafael Rodrigues da UFCG campus Cuité-PB, professor Olival Freire, diretor científico do CNPq e professor Russo Sergey N. Nedelko, após a palestra sobre o CNPq, ministrada pelo professor Olival.


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The Status and Prospects of Multidisciplinary Complex of Large Research Infrastructures
Sergey N. Nedelko (JINR, Dubna)

The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), www.jinr.ru, is an international
intergovernmental organization, established in 1956 under the provisions of an intergovernmental agreement to integrate efforts, scientific and material potential of the Member States in the pursuit of studies of basic properties of matter, specifically, particle physics, nuclear physics, condensed matterphysics, high energy physics, as well as radiation research in life sciences and related applied research in selected areas of science and technology.

Today JINR unites 16 Member states, as well as 5 Associated Member countries and 2 states with established Coordination of cooperation at the governmental level. Currently, the overall JINR partnership network includes 800+ research centres and universities in 60+ countries around the world.

JINR maintains several large research infrastructure facilities: a complex of super-conducting accelerators with high-intensity heavy ion beams – NICA collider; DRIBS cyclotron complex, including the world’s first Factory of Super-Heavy Elements; IBR-2M research pulsed reactor equipped with a set of spectrometers; BAIKAL-GVD deep-underwater neutrino telescope of >0.5 km3 located on lake Baikal; a heterogeneous computing center with GRID Tier-1 centre + supercomputer + CLOUD infrastructure, an infrastructure of the Laboratory of Radiation Biology.

An overview of the current status and strategy of development of this complex of large research infrastructures, and research program of JINR will be presented.

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