
quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012

Decision Support Systems in Water Resources and Environmental Management e Fulfillment and Success in Research by Prof. Dr. Keith W. Hipel

Palestra em Inglês nesta sexta-feira no auditório da Biblioteca da UFCG

 O prof. Dr. Keith W. Hipel (de renome internacional, várias vezes condecorado e com muitos artigos e livros publicados em vários idiomas nas áreas de recursos hídricos, séries temporais, análise de conflitos, teoria dos jogos, análise multicriterial, etc.) virá a Campina Grande entre os dias 25-29 de maio e ministrará as seguintes palestras (no idioma inglês) no dia 28/05 às 14 horas (provavelmente no prédio em frente ao auditório da biblioteca - BLOCO CAA, sala 101 - favor confirmar no site www.gota.eng.br nos próximos dias): Decision Support Systems in Water Resources and Environmental Management e Fulfillment and Success in Research Os interessados em manter contato com o mesmo poderão fazê-lo após a palestra ou pode agendar através do email: wcuri@df.ufcg.edu.br 

 Resumee do Prof. Dr. KEITH W. HIPEL: University Professor, PhD, PEng, FIEEE, FINCOSE, FCAE, FEIC, FRSC, FAWRA Department of Systems Design Engineering University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario , Canada N2L 3G1 Telephone (519) 888-4567 , ext. 32830; Fax (519) 746-4791 Email: kwhipel@uwaterloo.ca Home Page: www.systems.uwaterloo.ca/Faculty/Hipel/ Coordinator, Conflict Analysis Group: http://www.systems.uwaterloo.ca/Research/CAG/ Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation Chair, Board of Governors, Renison University College Keith W. Hipel is University Professor of Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo where he is Coordinator of the Conflict Analysis Group. He is Senior Fellow of the Centre for International Governance Innovation, Chair of the Board of Governors of Renison University College and former Vice President of the Canadian Academy of Science. Keith is a recipient of the 2012 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Eminent S cientist Award which is bestowed upon “foreign researchers such as Nobel laureates, who possess a record of excellent research achievements and who are mentors and leaders in their respective fields”, to visit “Japan for the purpose of associating directly with younger Japanese researchers so as to mentor, stimulate and inspire them to greater attainments”. As recognized by Japan’s top research award for international scientists, Keith is a highly creative scholar who thoroughly enjoys mentoring students and researchers. He is a recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award and the Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision from the University of Waterloo, as well as the 2011 Outstanding Engineering Educator Award from IEEE Can ada. His major research interests are the development of conflict resolution, multiple criteria decision analysis, time series analysis and other decision-making methodologies for addressing challenging interdisciplinary system of systems engineering problems lying at the confluence of society, technology and the environment, with applications in water resources management, hydrology, environmental engineering, and sustainable development. Keith is the author or co-author of 4 books, 11 edited books, 244 journal papers, as well as many conference and encyclopedia articles. In recognition of his academic and professional accomplishments, Keith has received 35 awards including being elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC), Canadian Academy of Engineering (FCAE), American Water Resources Association (FAWRA), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (FIEEE), International Council on Systems Engineering (FINCOSE), and Engineering Institut e of Canada (FEIC). Keith is a recipient of the Norbert Wiener Award from the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) Society, which is the foremost international award for research in systems engineering, and the Sir John William Dawson Medalfrom the RSC. He also received the designation of Docteur Honoris Causa from École Centrale de Lille, Icko Iben Award from AWRA, Outstanding Contribution Award from the IEEE SMC Society, W.R. Boggess Award from AWRA, and the University of Waterloo Award for Excellence in Research. Keith has held a Canada Council Killam Research Fellowship, Monbusho Kyoto University Visiting Professor Position, Stanley Vineberg Memorial Visiting Professorship, Centre National de la Récherche Scientifique (CNRS) Research Fellowship, and Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowships. Moreover, he is a Professional Engineer (PEng), recipient of the Engineering Medal for Research and Development from the Ontario Professional Engineers, and member of the CAE Energy Pathways Task Force. Keith served two terms as Chair of his Department and is presently a Member of the Board of Governors and Senate at the University of Waterloo. He has been highly active in professional organizations such as the Royal Society of Canada, IEEE SMC Society, CAE and AWRA; is the Founder of a sequence of international conferences on water resources and Chair of its Steering Committee; and is an Associate Editor of many international journals including the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, Humans and Systems; Group Decision and Negotiation; and Systems Engineering. 
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